There are several ways to execute tests in a Salesforce org:
Option A: Setup Menu
[Reference:, Running Apex Tests in Salesforce Setup, Option B: Tooling API, Valid Method., Explanation:, The Tooling API allows programmatic execution of Apex tests., Useful for integrating with external tools or CI/CD pipelines., Reference:, Tooling API Developer Guide, RunTestsAsynchronous, Option D: Salesforce DX, Valid Method., Explanation:, Salesforce DX (SFDX) CLI allows running tests via command line., Commands like sfdx force:apex:test:run can execute tests., Reference:, Salesforce CLI Command Reference, Incorrect Options:, Option C: Metadata API, Not Used for Executing Tests., Explanation:, The Metadata API is used for deploying and retrieving metadata (like Apex classes)., It is not used to execute tests directly., Reference:, Metadata API, Option E: Bulk API, Not Used for Executing Tests., Explanation:, The Bulk API is used for loading or querying large volumes of data., It is not related to executing Apex tests., Reference:, Bulk API Guide, Conclusion:, The three ways a developer can execute tests are A (Setup Menu), B (Tooling API), and D (Salesforce DX)., ]