You are carrying out your first third-party ISMS surveillance audit as an Audit Team Leader. You are presently in the auditee's data centre with another member of your audit team.
You are currently in a large room that is subdivided into several smaller rooms, each of which has a numeric combination lock and swipe card reader on the door. You notice two external contractors using a swipe card and combination number provided by the centre's reception desk to gain access to a client's suite to carry out authorised electrical repairs.
You go to reception and ask to see the door access record for the client's suite. This indicates only one card was swiped. You ask the receptionist and they reply, "yes it's a common problem. We ask everyone to swipe their cards but with contractors especially, one tends to swipe and the rest simply 'tailgate' their way in" but we know who they are from the reception sign-in.
Based on the scenario above which one of the following actions would you now take?
You are performing an ISMS audit at a residential nursing home that provides healthcare services. The next step in your audit plan is to verify the information security incident management process. The IT Security Manager presents the information security incident management procedure and explains that the process is based on ISO/IEC 27035-1:2016.
You review the document and notice a statement "any information security weakness, event, and incident should be reported to the Point of Contact (PoC) within 1 hour after identification". When interviewing staff, you found that there were differences in the understanding of the meaning of "weakness, event, and incident".
You sample incident report records from the event tracking system for the last 6 months with summarized results in the following table.
You would like to further investigate other areas to collect more audit evidence. Select two options that will not be in your audit trail.
You are an experienced ISMS audit team leader providing instruction to an auditor in training. They are unclear in their understanding of risk processes and ask you to provide them with an example of each of the processes detailed below.
Match each of the descriptions provided to one of the following risk management processes.
To complete the table click on the blank section you want to complete so that it is highlighted in red, and then click on the applicable text from the options below. Alternatively, you may drag and drop each option to the appropriate blank section.
You received an email requiring you to send information such as name, email, and password in order to continue using your email account. If you do not send such
information, your email account will be disabled. What does this scenario present?