HBaseFilters can set column names or column values as filter conditions, and support the use of multiple filters at the same time.
FlinkusecheckpointThe mechanism guarantees fault tolerance in the operation of the application.
FusionInsight HD HBasein the cluster,Table1belongNamespace1,Table2belong
Namespace2,Table1There are two column families, namelycf11,c12,Table2There is a column family namedcf21,
Which of the following options will allow the user accountAalso havecf11andcf21read and write permissions. (multiple choice)
The user wants to develop an application to accessHBaseservice, first apply for a machine accounttester1, and give it sets accessHBaseservice permissions; then download the account'skeytabfile, and use that account to run the application
use. Subsequent applications of this application will increase business requirements and require access toHiveservice, then givingtester1User additionally granted access
askHiveAfter the component permissions, you need to re-download the user'skeytabdocument.