In Lightning Web Components (LWC), communication between parent and child components can be achieved in several ways.
Option A: The parent component can use a public property to pass the data to the child component.
Correct Method.
The child component can declare a public property using the @api decorator.
The parent component can then pass data to the child component via this property in the template.
import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';
export default class ChildComponent extends LightningElement {
Parent Component Template (parentComponent.html):
[Reference:, Passing Data to Child Components, Option B: The parent component can invoke a public method in the child component., Correct Method., Explanation:, The child component can expose a public method using the @api decorator., The parent can call this method using a DOM query selector., Example:, Child Component (childComponent.js):, import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';, export default class ChildComponent extends LightningElement {, @api, myMethod(value) {, // handle the value, }, }, , Parent Component (parentComponent.js):, , import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';, export default class ParentComponent extends LightningElement {, handleButtonClick() {, const childComponent = this.template.querySelector('c-child-component');, childComponent.myMethod('some value');, }, }, Reference:, Calling Methods on Child Components, Options Not Suitable:, Option C: The parent component can use a custom event to pass the data to the child component., Incorrect for Parent-to-Child Communication., Explanation:, Custom events in LWC are used for child-to-parent communication., The child component can dispatch events to communicate with the parent., Events do not flow from parent to child in LWC., Reference:, Communicating with Events, Option D: The parent component can use the Apex controller class to send data to the child component., Not Appropriate., Explanation:, Using an Apex controller to pass data between parent and child components is unnecessary and inefficient., Apex controllers are used for server-side data operations, not component communication., Reference:, Calling Apex Methods, Conclusion:, The parent component can pass a string value to the child component using Option A (public property) and Option B (public method)., These are the standard and recommended ways for parent-to-child communication in LWC., , , ]