A penetration tester runs an Nmap scan and obtains the following output:
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( ) at 2023-02-12 18:53 GMT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.0011s latency).
135/tcpopen msrpcMicrosoft Windows RPC
139/tcpopen netbios-ssnMicrosoft Windows netbios-ssn
445/tcpopen microsoft-dsMicrosoft Windows Server 2019
1433/tcpopen ms-sql-sMicrosoft SQL Server 2019
3389/tcpopen ms-wbt-serverMicrosoft Terminal Services
8080/tcpopen httpMicrosoft IIS 9.0
Which of the following commands should the penetration tester try next to explore this server?
A potential reason for communicating with the client point of contact during a penetration test is to provide resolution if a testing component crashes a system or service and leaves them unavailable for both legitimate users and further testing. Which of the following best describes this concept?
Which of the following best explains why a penetration tester would use ProxyChains during an assessment?
During a vulnerability scan a penetration tester enters the following Nmap command against all of the non-Windows clients:
nmap -sX -T4 -p 21-25, 67, 80, 139, 8080
The penetration tester reviews the packet capture in Wireshark and notices that the target responds with an RST packet flag set for all of the targeted ports. Which of the following does this information most likely indicate?