__________feature in Server Load Balancer means that it can forward the access requests from a single user to the same ECS instance within a certain period to ensure session continuity.
Auto Scaling is a management service that can automatically adjust elastic computing resources based on your business needs and policies. Which of the following is not the feature supported by Alibaba Cloud Auto Scaling?
ECS is a highly flexible service. It can be used independently as a simple web server, or used with other
Alibaba Cloud products, such as OSS and CDN, to provide advanced solutions. ECS can be used in applications such as:. (Choose four.)
When using Alibaba Cloud SLB, you can set different weights for backend ECS instances. The higher the weight of a backend ECS instance, the more load will be assigned to it. If an SLB instance has 5 ECS instances in the backend server pool, all of which are healthy. Among these 5 ECS instances, the weight of ecs_inst1 is set to 100. Which of the following statements is correct?