A red-team tester has been contracted to emulate the threat posed by a malicious insider on a company’s network, with the constrained objective of gaining access to sensitive personnel files. During the assessment, the red-team tester identifies an artifact indicating possible prior compromise within the target environment.
Which of the following actions should the tester take?
A mail service company has hired a penetration tester to conduct an enumeration of all user accounts on an SMTP server to identify whether previous staff member accounts are still active. Which of the following commands should be used to accomplish the goal?
A company conducted a simulated phishing attack by sending its employees emails that included a link to a site that mimicked the corporate SSO portal. Eighty percent of the employees who received the email clicked the link and provided their corporate credentials on the fake site. Which of the following recommendations would BEST address this situation?
A Chief Information Security Officer wants a penetration tester to evaluate the security awareness level of the company’s employees.
Which of the following tools can help the tester achieve this goal?