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What's not true about a build executor?
The default number of executors on a node is 4.
You can run many of them in parallel.
They can run on the master.
It runs projects dictated by Jenkins.
The default number of executors on a node is 2.
What's a Jenkins job (or project)?
The overall purpose of a Jenkins implementation
None of these
Can be scoped to any typical IT task defined in Jenkins
Employment for an IT worker
A project is really any unit of work in a typical IT environment that's configured to run in Jenkins.
How do you add a new folder?
Click "New Item" in the left dashboard panel, then select "Folder"
Add a folder on the Jenkins master file system in /var/lib/jenkins
You can add one from another project's "Configuration" view
How do you navigate to the Plugin Manager?
There is no graphical Plugin Manager
Dashboard Left Panel -> Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins
Dashboard Left Panel -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Manage Plugins
This is the most common way to navigate to the Plugin Manager.
TESTED 22 Jan 2025