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Helping Hand Questions for CPC

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Question 16

A 60-year-old male has three-vessel disease and supraventricular tachycardia which has been refractory to other management. He previously had pacemaker placement and stenting of LAD coronary artery stenosis, which has failed to solve the problem. He will undergo CABG with autologous saphenous vein and an extensive modified MAZE procedure to treat the tachycardia.

He is brought to the cardiac OR and placed in the supine position on the OR table. He is prepped and draped, and adequate endotracheal anesthesia is assured. A median sternotomy incision is made and cardiopulmonary bypass is initiated. The endoscope is used to harvest an adequate length of saphenous vein from his left leg. This is uneventful and bleeding is easily controlled. The vein graft is prepared and cut to the appropriate lengths for anastomosis. Two bypasses are performed: one to the circumflex and another to the obtuse marginal. The left internal mammary is then freed up and it is anastomosed to the ramus, the first diagonal, and the LAD. An extensive maze procedure is then performed and the patient is weaned from bypass. At this point, the sternum is closed with wires and the skin is reapproximated with staples. The patient tolerated the procedure without difficulty and was taken to the PACU.

Choose the procedure codes for this surgery.



33533, 33257, 33519, 33508


33535, 33259, 33519, 33508


33533, 33257-51, 33519-51, 33508-51


33535, 33259 51, 33519-51, 33508-51

Question 17

The human shoulder is made of which three bones?



Olecranon, radius, ulna


Carpal, radius, humerus


Metatarsal, tibia, navicular


Clavicle, scapula, humerus

Question 18

View MR 005398

MR 005398

Operative Report

Preoperative Diagnosis: Nonfunctioning right kidney with ureteral stricture.

Postoperative Diagnosis: Nonfunctioning right kidney with ureteral stricture.

Procedure: Right nephrectomy with partial ureterectomy.

Findings and Procedure: Under satisfactory general anesthesia, the patient was placed in the right flank position. Right flank and abdomen were prepared and draped out of the sterile field. Skin incision was made between the 11th and 12th ribs laterally. The incision was carried down through the underlying subcutaneous tissues, muscles, and fascia. The right retroperitoneal space was entered. Using blunt and sharp dissection, the right kidney was freed circumferentially. The right artery, vein, and ureter were identified. The ureter was dissected downward where it is completely obstructed in its distal extent. The ureter was clipped and divided distally. The right renal artery was then isolated and divided between 0 silk suture ligatures. The right renal vein was also ligated with suture ligatures and 0 silk ties. The right kidney and ureter were then submitted for pathologic evaluation. The operative field was inspected, and there was no residual bleeding noted, and then it was carefully irrigated with sterile water. Wound closure was then undertaken using 0 Vicryl for the fascial layers, 0 Vicryl for the muscular layers, 2-0 chromic for subcutaneous tissue, and clips for the skin. A Penrose drain was brought out through the dependent aspect of the incision. The patient lost minimal blood and tolerated the procedure well.

What CPT® coding is reported for this case?










Question 19

Which one of the following is an example of a case in which a diabetes-related problem exists and the code for diabetes is never sequenced first?



If the patient has hyperglycemia that Is not responding to medication


If the patient has an underdose of insulin due to an insulin pump malfunction


If the patient is being treated for secondary diabetes


If the patient is being treated for type 2 diabetes

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Exam Code: CPC
Exam Name: Certified Professional Coder (CPC) Exam
Last Update: Jan 22, 2025
Questions: 100
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