In which step Steganography fits in CEH System Hacking Cycle (SHC)
LAN Manager Passwords are concatenated to 14 bytes, and split in half. The two halves are hashed individually. If the password is 7 characters or less, than the second half of the hash is always:
An Attacker creates a website by copying and mirroring HACKERJOURNALS.COM site to spread the news that Hollywood actor Jason Jenkins died in a car accident. The attacker then submits his fake site for indexing in major search engines. When users search for "Jason Jenkins", attacker's fake site shows up and dupes victims by the fake news.
This is another great example that some people do not know what URL's are. Real website:
Fake website:
The website is clearly not WWW.HACKERJOURNALS.COM. It is obvious for many, but unfortunately some people still do not know what an URL is. It's the address that you enter into the address bar at the top your browser and this is clearly not legit site, its
How would you verify if a website is authentic or not?
A bank stores and processes sensitive privacy information related to home loans. However, auditing has never been enabled on the system. What is the first step that the bank should take before enabling the audit feature?