Select the recommended option for extending the data model provided by a pega industry framework.
A purchase order application allows users in their work group to read and write purchase
request cases. When the total amount exceeds usd10,000 however, only the work group
manger can read and write the case. Select two configuration that satisfy the
requirement.(choose two)
You isolated the problem to node 1 of the cluster. You see node 1 goes down shortly after
3:00 p.m. every day with an out-of-memory error. Which two alerts typically precede this
condition?(choose two)
XYZ corp sells products that can be researched and ordered within a single screen. After the user submits the order, only the ID for each ordered product is propagated to a product child case. An additional property within the product child case reference a data page that displays product detail. XYZ wants you to define a report that shows detail about each product associated within a given order case.
In which class do you optimize the detail properties for the product?