The first step for a quality improvement professional who believes that their MRSA facility rates are high is to contact the infection control practitioner to obtain benchmark data. Benchmark data are comparative data that can help identify gaps in performance and set realistic and achievable goals for improvement 1. Benchmark data can be obtained from various sources, such as national or regional databases, professional organizations, peer-reviewed literature, or other similar facilities 2.
By contacting the infection control practitioner, the quality improvement professional can access reliable and valid data on MRSA rates in their facility and compare them with other facilities or standards. This can help them determine the magnitude and significance of the problem, and whether it warrants further investigation and action. The infection control practitioner can also provide guidance on the best practices and protocols for preventing and controlling MRSA infections, and the potential risk factors and causes of high MRSA rates 3.
The other options are not the best first steps for the quality improvement professional. Reporting the concerns to senior management and the Quality Council (option B) may be premature and unnecessary without having sufficient evidence and analysis of the problem. Forming a quality improvement team (option C) may be helpful later in the process, but not before defining and measuring the problem. Repeating the data collection process to justify the new rate (option D) may be wasteful and inaccurate, as it may not account for the variability and trends in the data, and it may not address the underlying causes of the problem . References:
1: NAHQ Healthcare Quality Competency Framework, Domain 5: Data Analytics, Skill 5.1.1
2: Benchmarking in Healthcare: A Practical Approach | NAHQ
3: Success and failures in MRSA infection control during the COVID-19 pandemic | Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control | Full Text 2
: NAHQ Healthcare Quality Competency Framework, Domain 3: Performance and Process Improvement, Skill 3.1.1