What is the primary function of the "temperature" parameter in the OCI Generative AI Generationmodels?
Determines the maximum number of tokens the model can generate per response
Specifies a string that tells the model to stop generating more content
Assigns a penalty to tokens that have already appeared in the preceding text
Controls the randomness of the model's output, affecting its creativity
The "temperature" parameter in generative AI models controls the randomness of the model's output. It affects the creativity and diversity of the generated text:
Low temperature: Leads to more deterministic and focused outputs, where the model tends to choose the most probable tokens, resulting in less randomness and creativity.
High temperature: Increases randomness by making the probability distribution over the next tokens flatter. This allows for more diverse and creative outputs, as the model is more likely to choose less probable tokens.
Adjusting the temperature parameter enables fine-tuning the balance between creativity and coherence in the model's responses.
Research articles on the role of temperature in generative models
Technical guides for tuning generative AI models in OCI