A strategy designer is leading a project to reimagine in-app communication form. The CIO is a
key decision maker but appears to be neutral-and even, at times, a detractor to the project.
What should the designer do to gain their alignment?
A strategy designer collaborated with the product design team at Cloud kicks and is now
coming to the end of their discovery. Which technique should be used to frame the design challenge
on the right problems?
At a 15-person stakeholder workshop, the Cloud Kicks’ design team shared three strategic opportunities and discussed the insights that led to them. They were well-received, and the leaders looked pleased. The design team then led a brainstorm on each opportunity.
What is the reason the strategy designer should recommend dot voting at this point?
The call center at Cloud Kicks (CK) is receiving higher call volumes than usual, which is leading to longer wait times for customers. CK has decided to engage a team to address this.
What should the strategy designer ask before framing the problem'?
A project team at Cloud Kicks have this challenge statement: How might we increase the
What information is missing that belongs for well written challenge statement?
A strategy designer at Cloud Kicks leads a development team whose stakeholders are
notorious for misunderstanding and undervaluing research-driven UX design.
Which approach should the designer propose to increase the desire for research-driven decisions?
A strategy designer wants to make a case to executive stakeholders to target a new,
saturated market with the purpose of increasing new customer acquisition.
Which approach should the designer focus on?
Cloud Kicks customers have publicly challenged the company to use its market-leading position as
an ethical force for good in social change What is one way the company can embed ethical use
principles into its day to day work?
A strategy designer leads a new UX project and needs to align with stakeholders who have
varying degrees of interest and influences the project. The designer wants to understand each
stakeholder's potential negative and positive impacts on the project.
Which tactic should be used?
During requirements discovery for a new mobile app for Cloud Kicks, different business
units are proposing conflicting requirements for some of the key use cases. which methodology
should be used to resolve conflicts and promote consensus?