In order to satisfy ordinal level data requirements, you must be able to do which of the following?
If you earn 50,000 per year and your co-worker in the same job earns 60,000, what percent adjustment do you need to equal your co-worker?
You spent 30% of your budget on merit increases three years ago, 35% two years ago, and 40% last year. When was the most money spent on merit increases?
You have the following salary grades and midpoints. Your org wants to have a constant midpoint progression. What would be the midpoint percentage?
Grade 10 = Midpoint 2,000
Grade 11 = Midpoint 2,217
Grade 12 = Midpoint 2,456
Grade 13 = Midpoint 2,698
If the midpoint is 2,000 and the desired range spread is 50%, what are the min and max values?