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What is the “sweet spot” for Industry 4.0?
The “sweet spot” for industry 4.0 is the intersection of URLLC, eMBB and mMTC.
The “sweet spot” for industry 4.0 is a double-digit revenue growth.
The “sweet spot” for industry 4.0 is a deployment strategy for delivering the required capacity and coverage for industrials.
The “sweet spot” for industry 4.0 is the intersection of operational, information and communications technologies.
Which of the following is not a benefit of Network Slicing?
Priority between different flows
Privacy and segmentation between flows
Recovery of network flows when they fail
Differentiated QoS flows, for different services
Which of the following defines a vertical Network Slice?
When it serves a given customer for a specific purpose, such as a national energy network.
When it cross all the network layers from the radio up to the core.
When it serves a given common purpose, for a use case with a defined QoS (eg a use case in transportation, in energy).
When it operates on the same layer of the ISO/OSI model.
Which one of the following requires a network service package defined in a catalog?
Cloud software platform
Cloud infrastructure software
Cloud orchestration
Software defined network
TESTED 22 Jan 2025