Under the hood WorkManager uses an underlying job dispatching service based on the following criteria. You need to move services to the correct places.
To handle an options menu item click in an activity, we usually should override method named:
Custom duration in milliseconds as a parameter for the setDuration method is available when you are working with:
Relative positioning is one of the basic building blocks of creating layouts in ConstraintLayout. Constraints allow you to position a given widget relative to another one. What constraints do not exist?
The easiest way of adding menu items (to specify the options menu for an activity) is inflating an XML file into the Menu via MenuInflater. With menu_main.xml we can do it in this way:
When using an ImageView, ImageButton, CheckBox, or other View that conveys information graphically. What attribute to use to provide a content label for that View?
Working with Custom View. Once you define the custom attributes, you can use them in layout XML files just like built-in attributes. The only difference is that your custom attributes belong to a different namespace. Instead of belonging to the http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android namespace, they belong to: