Ada Lovelace was an English mathematician and writer who is widely credited as the pioneer of computer programming. In 1842, she wrote an article in which she outlined the fundamental principles of computing, making her the first person to recognize the potential of computers and to describe algorithms that could be used to program them. Her work laid the basis for modern computing and is recognized as one of the most significant contributions to the field of computing. References:
Question # 5
Professor David Chalmers described consciousness as having two questions. What were these?
An easy one and a hard one.
What is the sub conscious and what is the conscious?
Can we integrate our knowledge to form consciousness and can we simulate consciousness?
Are only humans conscious and are machines always unconscious?
Professor David Chalmers described consciousness as having two questions: "What is it like to be conscious?" and "Can machines be conscious?". The first question, "What is it like to be conscious?", is an attempt to understand what it is like to experience the subjective aspects of consciousness, such as feeling, emotion, and perception. The second question, "Can machines be conscious?", is an attempt to understand whether or not machines can have the same kinds of subjective experiences as humans. For more information, please see the BCS Foundation Certificate In Artificial Intelligence Study Guide or the resources listed above.
Question # 6
An Al agent relies on its perceptual input. This is called the agent's what?
An AI agent relies on its perceptual input, which is referred to as the agent's percept. This is the data that the agent collects through its sensors about its environment. The percept allows the agent to make decisions and take actions based on its environment. The agent's percept is important for Artificial Intelligence systems to be able to operate effectively. References:
[1] BCS Foundation Certificate In Artificial Intelligence Study Guide, "Reinforcement Learning", p.96-97. [2], "Foundations of Artificial Intelligence" [3], "Foundations of Artificial Intelligence"
Question # 7
Splitting data into Training and Test data sets is part of what?
Splitting data into training and test data sets is an important step in the machine learning data preparation process. This process involves splitting the data into subsets, usually in a 70:30 ratio, to create a training set and a test set. The training set is used to train the machine learning model, while the test set is used to evaluate the model’s performance. This process allows for the model to be tested and evaluated on data that it has not seen before, in order to ensure that it is accurate and able to generalize to new data. References: BCS Foundation Certificate In Artificial Intelligence Study Guide,
Question # 8
What is defined as a machine that can carry out a complex series of tasks automatically?
A computer is defined as a machine that can carry out a complex series of tasks automatically. Computers are used in a variety of applications, including artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, production lines, and autonomous vehicles. Computers are able to carry out complex tasks thanks to their ability to process large amounts of data quickly and accurately.
For more information, please refer to the BCS Foundation Certificate in Artificial Intelligence Study Guide:
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