Your content team has asked to be able to use
How can you reconfigure the site to support this request? Choose 2 answers
Your company website has a form "Contact Us/' through which users can submit questions or feedback to the company This form uses the site-wide contact form that comes with Drupal 8
The News department within your company has requested their own contact form so that site visitors can specify additional information about a potential story
How can you build the News department their own contact form with an additional field, using only Drupal core modules''
You are running a Drupal 8 site, and the Status report page shows two errors that there is a security update available for your version of Drupal, and that the trusted_host_patterns setting is not configured in settings.php
What are the next steps to solve these errors?
On a site you manage there is a contact form that works well for the Retail Sales unit, but the Commercial Sales manager doesn't want to receive submissions that are about retail products.
How can you solve this problem in Drupal?
You are creating a page listing products for sale You've been asked to make sure that each product in the list includes an image, a title, and a price When the user clicks the title or picture, she will be taken to a detail page showing a full description of the product.
How can you make sure that the listing page only contains the fields noted, without removing the description field from the detail page?
Choose 2 answers
The UX team wants to display a search box in the site header region on all pages except for the search page itself The search page path is '’/search."
What is the simplest way to add the search form to the header region, and exclude itfrom the search page''
You manage twosites A public site ("'Prod"), which is live to the world, and a development site ("Dev"), for building new features and testing updates. Dev is a clone of Prod
You have created a new content type, fields and View on Dev After testing and ensuring that everything is working correctly on Dev, you would like to deploy these changes to Prod
How will you do this using only Drupal core modules'?