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Last Update Feb 20, 2025
Total Questions : 234 With Comprehensive Analysis

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Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Security Engineer

Last Update Feb 20, 2025
Total Questions : 234 With Comprehensive Analysis

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Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Security Engineer Questions and Answers

Questions 1

You need to follow Google-recommended practices to leverage envelope encryption and encrypt data at the application layer.

What should you do?



Generate a data encryption key (DEK) locally to encrypt the data, and generate a new key encryption key (KEK) in Cloud KMS to encrypt the DEK. Store both the encrypted data and the encrypted DEK.


Generate a data encryption key (DEK) locally to encrypt the data, and generate a new key encryption key (KEK) in Cloud KMS to encrypt the DEK. Store both the encrypted data and the KEK.


Generate a new data encryption key (DEK) in Cloud KMS to encrypt the data, and generate a key encryption key (KEK) locally to encrypt the key. Store both the encrypted data and the encrypted DEK.


Generate a new data encryption key (DEK) in Cloud KMS to encrypt the data, and generate a key encryption key (KEK) locally to encrypt the key. Store both the encrypted data and the KEK.

Questions 2

Your company operates an application instance group that is currently deployed behind a Google Cloud load balancer in us-central-1 and is configured to use the Standard Tier network. The infrastructure team wants to expand to a second Google Cloud region, us-east-2. You need to set up a single external IP address to distribute new requests to the instance groups in both regions.

What should you do?



Change the load balancer backend configuration to use network endpoint groups instead of instance groups.


Change the load balancer frontend configuration to use the Premium Tier network, and add the new instance group.


Create a new load balancer in us-east-2 using the Standard Tier network, and assign a static external IP address.


Create a Cloud VPN connection between the two regions, and enable Google Private Access.

Questions 3

Your company runs a website that will store PII on Google Cloud Platform. To comply with data privacy regulations, this data can only be stored for a specific amount of time and must be fully deleted after this specific period. Data that has not yet reached the time period should not be deleted. You want to automate the process of complying with this regulation.

What should you do?



Store the data in a single Persistent Disk, and delete the disk at expiration time.


Store the data in a single BigQuery table and set the appropriate table expiration time.


Store the data in a Cloud Storage bucket, and configure the bucket's Object Lifecycle Management feature.


Store the data in a single BigTable table and set an expiration time on the column families.