Task 6
You are asked to integrate NSX manager with LDAP to better control NSX administrators' roles and responsibilities. Ensure users can manage the NSX environment utilizing Active Directory login credentials.
You need to:
• Configure NSX Manager LDAP integration to the corp.local domain using the following configuration detail:
• Configure the user nsx-admin@corp.local Active Directory account as an Enterprise Admin access role.
Complete the requested task.
Passwords are contained in the user_readme.txt. You may want to move to other tasks/steps while waiting for configuration changes to be applied. This task should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
Task 7
you are asked to create a custom QoS profile to prioritize the traffic on the phoenix-VLAN segment and limit the rate of ingress traffic.
You need to:
• Create a custom QoS profile for the phoenix-VLAN using the following configuration detail:
• Apply the profile on the ‘phoenix-VLAN' segment
Complete the requested task.
Notes: Passwords are contained in the user_readme.txt.
take approximately 5 minutes to complete.
Subsequent tasks may require the completion of this task. This task should
Task 15
You have been asked to enable logging so that the global operations team can view inv Realize Log Insight that their Service Level Agreements are being met for all network traffic that is going in and out of the NSX environment. This NSX environment is an Active / Active two Data Center design utilizing N-VDSwith BCP. You need to ensure successful logging for the production NSX-T environment.
You need to:
Complete the requested task.
Notes: Passwords are contained in the user _ readme.txt. complete.
These task steps are dependent on one another. This task should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
Task 1
You are asked to prepare a VMware NSX-T Data Center ESXi compute cluster Infrastructure. You will prepare twoESXiservers in a cluster for NSX-T overlay and VLAN use.
All configuration should be done using the NSX UI.
• NOTE: The configuration details in this task may not be presented to you in the order in which you must complete them.
• Configure a new Transport Node profile and add one n-VDS switch. Ensure Uplink1and Uplink 2 of your configuration use vmnic2 and vmnic3 on the host.
Complete the requested task.
NOTE: Passwords are contained in the user_readme.txt. Configuration details may not be provided in the correct sequential order. Steps to complete this task must be completed in the proper order. Other tasks are dependent on the completion Of this task. You may want to move to other tasks/steps while waiting for configuration changes to be applied. This task should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.