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What happens when you select the Round Robin option for a workflow stage?
A record is randomly assigned to qualified users.
A record is assigned to the user with the smallest workflow queue.
A record is assigned to the user with the most expertise on that topic.
A record is assigned to the user with the highest level of access for that application.
Which of the following is true about On Demand Notification Templates?
They allow users to subscribe other users to email notifications based on access roles or group membership.
They allow users to be notified on a pre-defined schedule of changes made to content with RSA Archer records.
They allow users to export record content into a variety of formats (PDF, Rich Text, XML) that can then be saved and sent via email.
They allow users to send a pre-formatted email with defined record content to people who may or may not have RSA Archer user accounts.
Which of the following notifications CAN NOT be unsubscribed from?
Notification in Digest format
Generate Notification Action (Data-Driven Event)
Subscription Notification for a Leveled Application
Subscription Notification for a Standard Application
Which of the following field types CAN NOT be populated using the Data Import Manager?
User/Groups List
TESTED 22 Jan 2025